What a CandleMagician Event truly is.

I love candlework. I tap into the spiritual and Light energy that goes back centuries. When I first began, I was asked a question that shocked me: "Can you do some dark work for me? I have someone I want to hurt/kill."
The anger and force hit me hard. Up until then, I had never run across this. But I've run into it many times since.
Sure, I have heard of some of the Wiccan and Pagan rituals with candles. That is a path some of my friends, acquaintinances and clients have chosen. While I support their right to chose that, it is not something that resonates with me.
I use Universal forces of Light like God, Angels and other Beings. I ask for energies that no longer serve people to be transformed.
The only reason I'm telling you this is because if you are looking for that, I am not the person to help you. No judgment on people who do that - it's just not how I work.
Lots of light, happiness and joy to you!