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The CandleMagician

Welcome to The Candle Magician! We are a website dedicated to moving energies through fire and candles  in new and unique ways.


What we do: We create candle events utilizing specialized high-energy candles along with the energies of animals, nature, at high-energy and/or sacred sites to move energies in deeper, new and fabulous ways. All of this healing is done remotely without you having to physically be there.

Why candles? Candles use the element of fire to move energies with a spiritual touch, in ways beyond human abilities and capabilities.  We use special beeswax candles energized with essential oils and intentions to highlight and move both general and specific energies.

Why The Candle Magician?  All events are overseen by an intuitive and empath who uses many,many energies that go beyond the candles (stones, flowers, trees,  sacred geometry to name a few) . It's not uncommon for there to be 30 or so small videos to watch during the 4 days  (you still get the energy regardless of whether or not you watch the videos) on a variety of topics. They are always fun and very energetic!

What else? We are very,very fond of using the energies of stones, trees, animals, flowers, nature and other energetic gifts to this planet during candle ceremonies. It's impossible to predict what will be released because of the dynamic nature of the event. 

Events, Events, Events! We offer candle events at various locations. Each event recognizes the unique energy of all participants. There is a Free Event, a Donation-Only Event and various paid opportunities. 

Hope to "see" you soon!!!

About Bre:

Hello. My name is Bre. I am not one for labels but I am an intuitive, empath, healer, coach, speaker, writer and many other things. A life-long learner I have taken training in many modalities including EFT, TAT, Pranic Healing, Reiki, The One Command, Theta Healing, Energy Psychology, HBLU, and many,many others. I am a certified teacher of Light Language (a sacred geometry modality) and Divine Intervention.

My experience in the corporate world includes everything from fast food to computer operator to data manager to tech writer to computer programmer. Lots of experience in problem solving, crisis management, people supervision and other skills.  It has given me a varied and unique experience and perspective in life. 

Since 2002, I have been a full time healer and coach. I enjoy my practice and helping people immensely. Many joyous experiences and fabulous success stories.

How The Candle Magician came to be:

One of the things I have been blessed to discover is the power of candles. Due to family/ancestral energies, I have a powerful and unique relationship with fire.  For a few decades, it manifested in ways like "I get close to happiness and then everything burns out.", " People get close then get too much energy and run away" and "Money starts to come then I have to re-start in the hole again" to name a few. I'm sure people can relate to that.

All of that changed when I started to learn how to manage my fire energy better. Candles became a great tool and I used them regularly. As I began to find great suppliers and refine my energy, big blocks started moving. I began to feel like myself again and while I could always create, I could now create better and easier. 

So I began offering candle services to other people. They, too, began to really have great results. As anyone who has ever had energetic experiences knows, these range from feeling better and lighter to getting answers, seeing truth or the problem mysteriously disappearing. 

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